We had a busy day yesterday.

I took the girls to see The Nutcracker up at Weber State. Wow, it was impressive! Live orchestra and everything. As soon as I heard those opening notes I got chills and a big grin. I know the music well but, amazingly enough, I've never actually seen the ballet.

We were hungry when it was over and stopped at Marie Callendars for lunch. Is it just me or has that place upped it's prices recently?

We were right near a movie theater and decided to see, if by chance, they still had tickets to the 3:00 showing of "Twilight". They did...probably because they were showing it in 4 different theaters. Yay for us! Rebekah was so excited about the movie that she insisted on buying this t-shirt at the mall a few days ago.

By the time we got home the BYU/Utah game was already underway. We quick changed into BYU blue attire and settled in to watch the game. Originally I thought we'd have to listen on the radio but I discovered that we actually had the Mtn. channel. Who would've guessed? This is me cheering after the Cougars made a touchdown....and Julianne rolling her eyes at my silliness. The game didn't end well. Six turnovers? Seriously??

During all of this Bryan had Brandon and Lilian with him. They headed down to visit Grandma and Grandpa and had a glorious time.

Bryan convinced his Dad to head over to the gun show with him where he bought a bunch of ammo at fabulous prices. Apparently you can never have too much ammo. They were also going to try to see James Bond but the awesomeness of the gun show superseded any desire to hurry so they could do both. I have no doubt that they will get to the movie eventually.
Crazy day. Fun day. Filled with family, guns, art culture, pop culture and football. What more could you ask for? :)