Thursday, November 24, 2011

A month's worth of thanks

November 2: Today I am thankful that I live in a place that has four distinct seasons. What a perfectly gorgeous autumn day!

November 3: Today I am thankful for my sisters and the fact that no matter matter how crazy life gets, where we all move to, or what life changes happen with our own little families...we will always have each other. Four built in best friends for life.

November 4: Thoroughly thankful today for my husband. For the relationship we have and the love we share.

November 5: I am thankful today for the exuberance of Lilian, the determination of Julianne, the spiritual strength of Rebekah and the curiosity of Brandon.

November 6Thankful today for church hymns....what we affectionately term "The Green Bible." What powerful messages in those lyrics and melodies! Today especially... Hymn 138: "As witnesses we gather here to thank and to attest of mercies and of miracles--oh, still our lives so bless! Feed thou our souls, fill thou our hearts, and bless our fast, we pray. That we may feel thy presence here and feast with thee today."

November 7Today I am thankful for gymnastics and the determination, discipline, strength, confidence, friendship, and pure joy that it has brought Brandon. Twelve hours a week he spends at that's like a second home and he absolutely loves it!

November 8Thankful today for my beautiful house and the fact that, more than just being a protective roof over our heads, it is a home.

November 9So thankful to live in such a wonderful neighborhood with such good people who all love and support each other.

November 10I am thankful that I get to go sing tonight! That Bryan is so supportive of my choirs, plays and other singing opportunities. And that tonight I will be singing with my mom, 2 sisters, sis-in-law and numerous friends

November 11:  Freedom isn't free.  Thank you, Veterans!

November 12Thankful to be on a date with my hubby and thankful for the near miracle that has allowed us to find a movie we BOTH are interested in seeing.

November 13Thankful today that my kids love it when I read to them....even the older ones. Such fun to snuggle all together on the couch and read the adventures of Harry Potter or Percy Jackson or some other such character. Also very thankful that I can usually convince one of the kids to scratch my back or play with my hair while I read...

November 14Thankful today for my body. Lilian and I have been reading one of her books that details how our bodies, muscles, organs, bones, blood, brain, nerves, etc. She enjoyed it so much we read it numerous times today. How marvelous and amazing our bodies are!

November 15Thankful for chocolate. I've been eating WAY too much of it this week. (Chocolate oranges, anyone? Yummm....) The chocolate craving comes along with an urgency to strap on the running shoes and work those calories right back off again.... but I still think it's worth it.

November 16Immensely thankful for the temple today. All told, between this morning and this evening, I spent 6.5 hours there today...and it was truly amazing. I feel so rejuvenated!

November 17So thankful for my bachelors degree in history and the opportunity I had to get a college education! I was digging around in my filing cabinet today and came across all my old history papers and essay tests that I wrote...sat for a long time and read through a bunch of them.  What wonderful experiences I had during those college years...such great memories. And though earning that degree was HARD work....I sometimes still miss being in school.

November 18:  Thankful for Bryan's business and his ability to comfortably provide for our family.  Also thankful that he is coming home tonight after being on a business trip this week...and as much as I'm loving this snow, if it delays his arrival, I will be irked!

November 19Thankful for the opportunity to watch the Nutcracker this morning up at Weber State. I cried. Seriously. It was just so beautiful and the music (live orchestra) was so moving! Sometimes I really wish I was a dancer. I'm so glad that The Nutcracker has become a yearly tradition in our family.

November 20Thankful for my testimony of and faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thankful for my knowledge of and relationship with my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. Thankful that they know me, are aware of me on a daily basis and love me.

November 21So, so very thankful that I had the opportunity to sing with Lex de Azevedo and the Millennium Choir tonight!!! After a two year hiatus, I can't believe how incredibly wonderful it was to be singing "Gloria" with my friends again...I am filled to overflowing tonight!!

November 22Incredibly thankful that Bryan and I both were blessed with such AMAZING parents. Who know when to help and when to step back. Who love us unconditionally....even when they don't agree with our choices. And who, as well as being parents, are also good friends.

November 23I am SO thankful for good friends! Singing friends, old college roomies, neighborhood friends, childhood friends...friends from every aspect and phase of my life, how I treasure you and thank God for the impact you have had on my life!

November 24Thankful for a rejuvenating 3 mile run, good music, happy chatter, yummy stuffing, a nap on the couch with my hubby, playing a dice game with my father-in-law, football on TV, and feelings of deep contentment on this Thanksgiving Day.

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