Friday, January 29, 2010

My Thursday in bullet points

*Blearily up at 6:00 to make it to my "insane" workout by 6:15. But it's cardio recovery day so blessedly the workout is filled with lots of stretching and yoga. Home by 7:00.

*Spent the next hour and a half getting myself showered and dressed and the kids fed and ready for school.

*Climbed in the car at 8:30 to head to school. Kids went to their classes. I spent the next 2 and 1/2 hours helping decorate for the book fair. It's a 1950's diner theme. Masking tape was my constant companion. I think I may hold a new record for how many loops of tape used in a period of time. But it looks darn impressive and the kids and teachers are making excited comments as they walk by so I guess it's all worth it.

*Had a half hour at home before Lilian and I got back in the car to drive to Sandy. A long drive made solely to buy myself some Vibram Five Finger shoes. (More on that later.) We had lunch at Schlotskys...the only one left in the state. Y-U-M-M-Y!!

*Got home around 2:30 and had an hour to putter around at home before the day kicked into an even higher gear. Should've been cleaning. Spent the time catching up on email instead.

*3:45 saw me piling Brandon, Rebekah and her friend Jenny into the truck. Left Julianne home to babysit Lilian. Dropped Brandon at gymnastics and the girls at Classic Skating for a school choir party.

*Stopped at Chevron to get gas for the car, at Target to get some snacks for me and then continued on my way to Gary's house for a master class.

*5:00. First up of the performers...I sang two songs. "Oh Had I Jubal's Lyre" by Handel and "Veille Chanson"...a french song. Amazingly I actually remembered almost all my french and it was the better of the two songs. Thought it would be the opposite. Overall, was pretty happy with my performance.

*Left early at 5:45 so I could pick up Brandon by 6:00. Got home at 6:15 and anxiously awaited Rebekah's arrival home so that Julianne and I could leave by 6:30. She didn't come...didn't come....didn't come. Reluctantly I left Brandon in charge with promises that Rebekah would be walking in that door momentarily. (Apparently she did come about 5 minutes after I left.)

*Broke speed limits to get to Ogden for our rehearsal for "Power in His Touch" at 7:00. Spent the next 3 hours blocking the scene for "King of the Jews." Julianne and I have been officially cast as a wealthy mother and daughter who haughtily stand on the steps and look over the poor beggars and lepers with disdain.

*Home at 10:30. Ate dinner. Went to bed at midnight. Long day.


MamaBug said...

Made me tired just reading about it. ;)

Jill said...

No wonder you slept in today!

Katie said...

You didn't even mention that you talked to me for a long time throughout the day as well. What a crazy day!

Sarah@The Best Stuff said...

See, but I was mult-tasking while talking to you, Katie, because we chatted during my long drive to Sandy! :)