As most of you well know, being productive with a two year old hovering and ever-present at your side can be difficult. To have a better chance at getting things done today I tried to involve Lilian as much as possible...even if it meant that the chore took me almost twice as long. On my to-do list today: organize and de-junk the towering shoe pile in my closet. It didn't take long before Lilian realized that pairing the shoes was like a matching game. Next thing I knew she had lined them all up, filling the floor of my closet.
I have a lot of shoes.
Lilian started counting but couldn't get past 6. I took up the count where she left off. 45 pairs of shoes. And that was AFTER I chucked some out.
Imelda Marcos.....
Ha! Jill beat me to it...:D
I used to have that many shoes. Sniff. Sniff.
You used to have MORE than that many shoes, Rachel! I know, my girls counted in your closet one day....and that didn't even count what you had with you on your mission! :)
Oh that is funny, I love that she thought it was a matching game. Don't tell Bryan you have that many! :)
WOW, and I thought I had a lot of shoes! Very cute shoes tho too! :)
WOW that is A LOT of shoes. I think I have 3 pairs!
Scott can't give me grief anymore about my number of shoes - I'll just tell him "well it's fewer pairs than Sarah has"
Okay I have like 6 pairs. My goal is to get a bigger closet and then go on a shopping spree!
I used to hate having so many shoes, so I think I had it down to maybe 5 pr - jogging, black and white for church, fashionable every day pair, & sandals. I feel guilty now about having maybe 20 pr. Wow - 45! :)
Seriously, that's a lot of shoes! I'm feeling a lot less guilty about my collection right now! ;)
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