For years Julianne has begged for a pet. Knowing of her Dad's allergic reactions to almost any animal with fur, she long ago set her sights on parakeets. She even wrote her 4th grade persuasive essay on the reasons why parakeets would make a good addition to our home. But the noise, the mess...the answer has always been "no." As it has been for any pet, really. But a little over a year ago, after much research and persuasion, Julianne talked Bryan into letting her adopt a baby dwarf hamster. And she has taken that responsibility seriously. "Pepsi" has daily water and food, a cage that is cleaned weekly, and plenty of cuddle time with the girl who loves him.

So when Julianne, armed with research on care and costs, started talking parakeets again about a month ago, Bryan, amazingly, said yes! Julianne was practically giddy the day she brought "Duke" and "Zeus" home. She has spent so much time with them in just the 2-3 weeks that they have been here that they already seem to light up when she walks in the room. They chatter to her more than anyone else and really seem to trust her. It's been kind of fascinating to watch. Both pets, the parakeets and the hamster, have their cages in her room. I started calling her Dr. Doolittle. One day she corrected me and said, "No Mom. It should be Dr. Ju-little!"

Cute Parakeets, good for her for taking on such a big responsiblility.
Dr. Ju-little thats a cute name but yeah what a big responsibility. Love the colors of the parakeets.
I love parakeets. I kind of miss ours. You should have mentioned you were getting birds, we still have a wonderful, big black cage and some other toys and stuff.
do you think she can potty-train my 2 year old yorkie?
Boy, her pets remind me of Smokey and Ernie. How fun for her!
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