Just so I can't back out and wait another few months, I am announcing that the potty training has begun. Of Lilian. Just in case you were unsure. It's been 6 years since I last potty trained a child and my memories are a bit fuzzy. From the long lapse of time or from banishing the whole experience from my mind, I'm not sure. So just to let you know....because I'm sure you all are SO interested...things are going well and we are cautiously optimistic. Lilian is thrilled, of course, because this all means that she is allowed to run around the house nearly nude. And play with stickers.
And just in case you were getting nervous that I was going to update you on each and every success and accident in turn, don't worry. I don't plan to say anything more on the subject until the whole thing is done. I'm hoping that post will come sooner rather than later. Time will tell.
Good luck with all that. I can't wait to hear when she has finished!
Yeah, I hope it goes well!
Potty training is one of the blights of my life. We are at the stage with Matthew where he knows what to do but just doesn't care. Very frustrating. Hope yours goes smoother.
Good luck! I was scared to potty train Mason because I've heard such horror stories..., but he was cake. In fact.., I joke.., but he really trained himself and has been dry since the beginning of November.., over night and all! I guess I did take him to the store to buy underpants.., so I should get a little credit for that
good luck and thank goodness for potty charts. i hope that she doesn't have to have one till she's eight! Not that I happen to know anyone, personally, who still had diapers at eight . . .
I would rather give birth again without drugs than potty train another child. At least going into labor you know it'll all be over in a few hours! ;)
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