I've been wallowing in old high school pictures this week. In honor of the so-called "Way Back Week" on Facebook I dug out my old sophmore picture. Once posted, I noticed that its place in the "album" was right next to a much more current picture of me and the difference was rather extreme. It's kind of amazing what twenty years can do.

You're lookin' good in both!!
Are you taking Brandon to that meet this Saturday?? If so, I look forward to seeing you there. . . . who says sports is for kids?
My fave thing about high school was the hair. Wasn't it amazing? I'm totally afraid of my old pictures. I hate admitting what a dork I was back then . . . unless of course I'm in the company of folks who dorked it up with me. Then it's all good fun!
Boy, you sure have aged well! I am afraid to post older pictures of me because I know they look dorky and then my "today" pictures aren't that great either. Oh well.
Beautiful no matter which one you pick. ;)
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