I don't have much luck with keeping fish alive. Or potted house plants either. In fact my mother-in-law,who is an amazing green thumb herself, once dubbed my house "the place plants come to die." And she was so right! But a few years have gone by now. I think I'm ready to try again. I'm being bold and daring by trying them both, fish and plants, at the SAME TIME! And okay yes...if I'm being entirely truthful, I've already killed my first two fish. I didn't mean to! They died in the noble cause of research as I figured out exactly how much food they need and how often I need to clean the tank. (Less food, more cleaning.) And to be on the safe side, I bought only the cheapest .13 cent fish so I'm only out a quarter if I find that I'm still just not a fish person. So wish me luck. On the fish AND the plants. And yes, I know that those plants will eventually grow to the point that I have to re-pot them and all. We'll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.

Good luck!
I think I'm not a goldfish person. I hated cleaning the bowl as often as I should. Thus, we don't do goldfish around here. I kept a big fern type plant alive for quite awhile back when we were in Layton. I bought those miracle grow fertilizer spikes. That seemed to help a little. Good luck!
You always were great in your garden outside when I lived near by, what happens to indoor plants??
Outdoor plants have an easier time because of the sprinkler system. Inside...mostly I just forget to water them.
Ummm...that would be MY comment, not Rebekah's. Sheesh.
Your so funny! I think fish are great for the first week, then when everyone is done with them i'm stuck cleaning the tank and feeding them, so I don't like it all that much anymore. Plants I love, I need more after seeing your cute new ones.
Um, I kill even cactuts - wait, is that cacti? So, I wish you better luck that I have. I stick with very harty plants and nothing that needs actual attention or that can't be revived after almost dying.
I bought some of those water globe thingies recently (totally drawing a blank on what they are called, but they have their own commercials :P ). My plants are much happier for it. :)
Have you seen those vases that have a plant growing from the top and a beta fish swimming in the bottom? Maybe you should get one of those...and kill them both together. ;)
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