The strap on my very favorite black church shoes broke a few months ago. I looked and looked, hoping to find some just like them but to no avail. Reluctantly I decided to look for some in a different style. I finally found some I liked this past week and wore them to church today. I'm used to wearing high heels. I wear heels almost every day. And when I bought these shoes I noticed that the heels looked a little taller than what I usually wore. But, whatever. Heels are heels, right? But after feeling like I was walking around on my tiptoes all day I decided to pull out the ruler and officially measure. 5 inches! I was wearing 5 inch heels! No wonder my feet were sore.
Side note #1: I was 5' 9" today. Never been that tall before.
Side note #2: Yes, that is a zipper across the top of the shoe....how cute is that?
Love the shoes. Super CUTE!!!
Those are darling shoes. I got some new boots for Christmas, I think im going to return them, they are pretty high too, I like high heels but not as high as these are.
Oh my heck! I would have fallen over. I could never get away with 5 inch heels. I'm too tall as it is. I'd tower over everyone...including my own hubby. I'll stick to the shorter, stubbier (is that a word?) heels so I can stay off my bum.
That is really tall and I wouldn't be able to take one step without falling over
Oh, yes, I could have walked but it wouldn't have been comfortable. But for such great shoes - pain is acceptable
Yowsa. The price we pay for beauty. . . .
Oooh la la! Lovin' the shoes! Even with my one pair of 5 inch heels I'm still only 5'7"! And boy, do they make my feet hurt!
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