Rebekah says she is weirded out by the fact that her face greets her big and large every time she pulls up the blog. She is insisting that I put up a new post. So, let me tell you about our trip to the zoo today. Kind of spur of the moment. Just Lilian and me. It was a perfect day for it. Nice temperature, gorgeous leaves, no crowds, and active animals. Lilian was really excited and ran around saying

"wow!" and doing all sorts of oohs and ahhs. We rode the train. We rode the merry-go-round. We said "hi" to all the animals and made sure to talk to them in their native tongue....well, as much as possible. How do you make a giraffe noise? Lilian, I think, decided the best way to communicate with a giraffe was to stick her tongue out at it. Because Mr. Giraffe had his tongue out. And it was so big and long that even Lilian noticed. They stuck their tongues out at each other for quite awhile. Ah, the simple joys of being a toddler.
We're all about spur of the moment at our house. Nothing ever is planned very well. That way if it turns out bad, you can just blame it on lack of planning.
Rebekah-I liked your picture front and center! I thought it was pretty.
It was a perfect day for the zoo. How fun was that to just up and go with such a sweet girl.
Sounds like a great time with just you and Lillian.
I would have loved to come with you. I could have used the exercise of walking around the zoo.
I love that she had so much fun. We love going to the zoo but I can't wait until we can talk our little girl to the zoo with us.
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