Katie and I went shopping at Tai Pan Trading back in late July and found all the Fall and Halloween decorations already out. Seeing that Fall is my favorite season and I was heartily sick of the heat of summer, I succumbed to the lure of the Halloween decor. I instantly fell in love with this witch. It was more than I would normally want to pay so I did as I usually do when trying to talk myself out of buying something: I put it in my cart! Maybe that sounds a bit odd but if I have it in my cart and am continuing to walk around the store looking at other things, usually I can eventually talk myself out of it and put it back. Well, I did that very thing. After walking around for awhile I talked myself out of it, put it back on the shelf and walked away. Only to find myself walking back over to pick it up again a few minutes later. I literally went through this routine 3 times before I decided it was fate, I had to have this witch. Katie and I figured that if the witch was fate then surely she must need a name. We came up with Gretchen pretty quickly. Honestly, I'm not sure if it was Katie or myself that came up with the name but it seemed to fit. So Gretchen stands guard at the front door and smiles at everyone that comes through.
She's very cute, I mean scary.
I love Tai Pan, that is such a fun store.
That is so funny, I do the same thing and more times than not I talk myself out of buying the item I really wanted but did not need. I will have to come and see your new witch
I like her! she's a great family addition.
She looks good sitting there. Jeremy liked my Halloween decorations but wondered out loud how much they cost and when I got them. :)
Cute Gretchen! I want to see the skeleton too. Does it have a name? I saw the smaller version at Katie's house and it's pretty neat.
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