The jack-o-lantern carving started today. We usually split it into two days. One day to clean the pumpkins of all the seeds and guts and then another day to do the actual carving. Today was our clean the guts day. Lilian was quite interested in the whole process...was looking at me like I was kind of crazy as I stuck my hands down inside the pumpkin and came up with all this orange goop. It didn't take her long, though, to decide that that was something she wanted to try. I had to run inside to grab something and when I came back out she had pumpkin guts from head to toe. As I watched she took a handful and piled it on top of her head like it was a hat or something. She was a mess! And getting all that pumpkin out of her hair? Not easy.
Good this she is so dang cute, cuz that would make me sick. Cleaning out the pumpkins is Mike's job at my house, I dont know why but that just makes me gag. Crazy I know
What a mess. A Very Cute mess though! I'd hate to see the bathwater after that bath!:) At least she had fun - that's what's most important. That, and the pictures!:)
Eww! Eew! Eeeewwwwww! My dilemma...Is it too cold to turn the hose on her? Blech!
Okay that is gross. Cute but gross. As much as I loved pulling the guts out as a kid I don't like it so much anymore.
Wow. I can't even imagine trying to get all the stringy, goopy mess out of her hair. Last year, Abby wasn't too thrilled with the idea of sticking her hands in a pumpkin. We'll see how she does this year.
gross! I'm sure that kids don't do this kind of stuff to stress their parents right? How do you decide what things to put on your head and what things not to put on your head? Ah, the mind of a child.
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