This is a fairly recent picture...December 2007...less than a year ago. Christmas evening my siblings and I had given my parents a new bedding set and it came in this huge box. I found Rebekah, Brandon, Julianne and my nephew Dalton using the box as a hideout as kids are prone to do. I love how they are all looking up at me with genuine smiles on their faces and not the painted on ones that I sometimes get when I'm forcing them to pose, you know? Two kind of funny, but ultimately unimportant details about this picture that nevertheless pop into my head every time I see it? Check out Brandon's hair. Is that a winner of a mohawk or what? He was into spiky hair back then. And then also, every time we see this picture Rebekah always sighs and says something along the lines of, "I wonder where that shirt went. I loved that shirt, Mom. That's the last time I ever saw that shirt." And then I sigh and wonder, too, where that shirt went and when she is going to accept that it is just gone. :)
Yea i'm digging Brandon's hair. I can't believe she lost that shirt, how does that happen?
I know how it happens at our house, it disappears to the DI. Cute picture.
How come I have never seen this picture? I remember them doing it, but I have never seen the picture. They sure can have fun with the simplest things. So, why do I keep buying them expensive toys? Maybe we should just get them a cardboard box for Christmas!
That was a fun day! I too like that they are so happy in the photo!
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