*Blearily up at 6:00 to make it to my "insane" workout by 6:15. But it's cardio recovery day so blessedly the workout is filled with lots of stretching and yoga. Home by 7:00.
*Spent the next hour and a half getting myself showered and dressed and the kids fed and ready for school.
*Climbed in the car at 8:30 to head to school. Kids went to their classes. I spent the next 2 and 1/2 hours helping decorate for the book fair. It's a 1950's diner theme. Masking tape was my constant companion. I think I may hold a new record for how many loops of tape used in a period of time. But it looks darn impressive and the kids and teachers are making excited comments as they walk by so I guess it's all worth it.
*Had a half hour at home before Lilian and I got back in the car to drive to Sandy. A long drive made solely to buy myself some Vibram Five Finger shoes. (More on that later.) We had lunch at Schlotskys...the only one left in the state. Y-U-M-M-Y!!
*Got home around 2:30 and had an hour to putter around at home before the day kicked into an even higher gear. Should've been cleaning. Spent the time catching up on email instead.
*3:45 saw me piling Brandon, Rebekah and her friend Jenny into the truck. Left Julianne home to babysit Lilian. Dropped Brandon at gymnastics and the girls at Classic Skating for a school choir party.
*Stopped at Chevron to get gas for the car, at Target to get some snacks for me and then continued on my way to Gary's house for a master class.
*5:00. First up of the performers...I sang two songs. "Oh Had I Jubal's Lyre" by Handel and "Veille Chanson"...a french song. Amazingly I actually remembered almost all my french and it was the better of the two songs. Thought it would be the opposite. Overall, was pretty happy with my performance.
*Left early at 5:45 so I could pick up Brandon by 6:00. Got home at 6:15 and anxiously awaited Rebekah's arrival home so that Julianne and I could leave by 6:30. She didn't come...didn't come....didn't come. Reluctantly I left Brandon in charge with promises that Rebekah would be walking in that door momentarily. (Apparently she did come about 5 minutes after I left.)
*Broke speed limits to get to Ogden for our rehearsal for "Power in His Touch" at 7:00. Spent the next 3 hours blocking the scene for "King of the Jews." Julianne and I have been officially cast as a wealthy mother and daughter who haughtily stand on the steps and look over the poor beggars and lepers with disdain.
*Home at 10:30. Ate dinner. Went to bed at midnight. Long day.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

I have a lot of shoes.
Lilian started counting but couldn't get past 6. I took up the count where she left off. 45 pairs of shoes. And that was AFTER I chucked some out.

Friday, January 22, 2010
"Power In His Touch"
Part advertisement, part "save the date," and part just sharing....
Julianne and I are in rehearsals for a musical called "Power In His Touch." Click on that title or on the picture and it should take you to the website which gives info on the story, songs, pictures, performan
ce dates and history of the show. It's an Easter musical written by Collette Call...a girl I know from being in Millennium Choir together for a few years. Back in 2000 she was looking for some singers to record the soundtrack of this new musical she was writing and pulled some of us from Millennium to help her. A few years went by. Eventually I heard that that "Power in His Touch" was going into production. I have friends who have joined the cast over the past few years but I have never actually seen the show. This year, my friend and voice teacher, Gary is the music director of the show. He encouraged me to come be a part of the show and even though I had conflicts with the audition date, he still slipped Julianne and me into the cast as part of the ensemble. It looks like it will be a pretty impressive show. Lots of AMAZING talent. But mostly, I'm having such a wonderful time doing this with Julianne.
Side note: Funny thing, I'm singing alto in this production. First day of rehearsal revealed a whole lot of sopranos and a lot less altos. Gary asked for soprano volunteers to join the alto section. No one raised their hand. Sopranos are divas (I can say that because I am one!) and very much feel that singing alto is not being true to themselves. So reluctantly, mostly as a favor to Gary, I raised my hand. I have a pretty wide range and although I am naturally a high, high soprano I can sing fairly low as well. But you know what? I'm having a great time singing alto. It's darn fun singing harmony and it's a great way to sharpen up my sight reading skills...something that sopranos are usually somewhat weak on because they are used to singing the melody most of the time. I have to admit...I do sigh a little every time the sopranos hit those extra high notes, though.
Julianne and I are in rehearsals for a musical called "Power In His Touch." Click on that title or on the picture and it should take you to the website which gives info on the story, songs, pictures, performan

Side note: Funny thing, I'm singing alto in this production. First day of rehearsal revealed a whole lot of sopranos and a lot less altos. Gary asked for soprano volunteers to join the alto section. No one raised their hand. Sopranos are divas (I can say that because I am one!) and very much feel that singing alto is not being true to themselves. So reluctantly, mostly as a favor to Gary, I raised my hand. I have a pretty wide range and although I am naturally a high, high soprano I can sing fairly low as well. But you know what? I'm having a great time singing alto. It's darn fun singing harmony and it's a great way to sharpen up my sight reading skills...something that sopranos are usually somewhat weak on because they are used to singing the melody most of the time. I have to admit...I do sigh a little every time the sopranos hit those extra high notes, though.
Favorite Photo(s) Friday: Batter hair
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Can I keep them alive?

Saturday, January 16, 2010
"Lacrimation Prohibition" Meet
Woke up way stinking early this morning so we could make it to Brandon's first official gymnastics meet. It was over an hour drive to get there. And once we made it to the general vicinity of the gym, we took another half hour trying to find the actual building. As much as I love the reality show "Amazing Race," I would never make a good competitor...I get stressed out way too easily when it comes to following directions under pressure. And just a note to google maps: you were SO off today! But we made it. Grumpily but finally.
The girls got asked to be runners for the judges. They were quite happy about that. Especially when they found out the job included free snacks.
Brandon was amazing! And even more than that, he had TONS of fun. That kid has some serious potential. He took 5th place in his age group overall. Not bad for his first real meet.
I know that I posted a bunch of Brandon-the-Gymnast pictures last month. Humor me while I post a few more. Here are a some of my favorites:

Brandon looked over his scores and fingered through all his ribbons all the way home, making comments like, "Look at this! I earned these!" It made my heart, as well as my face, smile. And lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, I think, was the perfect icing on the cake.
P.S. Wondering what "Lacrimation" means? I didn't know so I looked it up. A hint....the motto of the meet was "No tears allowed."
The girls got asked to be runners for the judges. They were quite happy about that. Especially when they found out the job included free snacks.

P.S. Wondering what "Lacrimation" means? I didn't know so I looked it up. A hint....the motto of the meet was "No tears allowed."
Friday, January 15, 2010
Favorite Photo(s) Friday: Horses

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Twenty Years Difference
I've been wallowing in old high school pictures this week. In honor of the so-called "Way Back Week" on Facebook I dug out my old sophmore picture. Once posted, I noticed that its place in the "album" was right next to a much more current picture of me and the difference was rather extreme. It's kind of amazing what twenty years can do.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Be-lated sugar cookies
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Side note #1: I was 5' 9" today. Never been that tall before.
Side note #2: Yes, that is a zipper across the top of the shoe....how cute is that?
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Rolling Sushi
Date night yesterday consisted of Bryan cashing in on his Christmas present....a sushi cooking class at Sur La Table. I crave sushi like nothing else, (well, except maybe chocolate) so it was great fun to learn how to make it.
After we were all done slicing, dicing, and rolling the chef and his assistants sent us off for a break while they cleaned up. How nice is that? To cook up a big mess but not have to clean up after yourself? When we came back they had all the sushi set out nicely on plates ready for us to eat....a buffet of sorts. The chef commented that he'd be impressed if we could eat even 60% of what we had made. I was doubtful. I can put down a lot of sushi. But he was right. We only made it through about 55% before we were all filled to bursting. Bryan said that if this had been a real sushi restaurant he wouldn't return. Apparently many of our sushi creations, made by 13 newbie sushi chefs....well, lets just say that some of the filler combinations didn't quite gel perfectly. :) Amazingly enough, my favorite was the very first roll that I made. Rice, of course, and salmon, cucumber, sprouts, basil, lemon and some kind of citrus sauce. Yum! I think it was the basil that did it. I've never had a roll with basil in it before.
We had so much fun that we're thinking we might make cooking classes at Sur La Table a semi-regular addition to our date night repertoire.

Friday, January 8, 2010
Favorite Photo(s) Friday: Zions retreat

(That bottom picture always reminds me of lizards sunning themselves) :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The time has come....

And just in case you were getting nervous that I was going to update you on each and every success and accident in turn, don't worry. I don't plan to say anything more on the subject until the whole thing is done. I'm hoping that post will come sooner rather than later. Time will tell.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Dr. Ju-little

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