Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day

In our ward, the Sunday School presidency is in charge of putting together or arranging for Mothers Day gifts for the women in the ward. Which means that Bryan being the Sunday School president and all, our home as been gift central for the past two years.

Remember this last year?

Bryan had grand plans for home made truffles and toffee this year but unfortunately he came down with a doozy of a cold in the week leading up to Mothers Day and just could not find the energy to do any kind of baking. In my personal opinion, roses are just about the perfect gift for any occasion so I was more than happy with Bryan's new choice of ward Mothers Day gift....especially seeing as he bought an extra dozen specifically for me.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I'm always jealous when I see what the mamas in your ward get. In my ward it is always chocolate and since chocolate gives me migraines (a bummer, to be sure!)it is fairly anticlimactic. But my kids always look forward to it since they get to eat my goodies!