I was flipping through radio stations the other day and realized that FM100 is playing Christmas music already. Well, yes, I guess I knew that. They always start unreasonably early. I quickly flipped the station, a little irritated. I'm not ready for that yet. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I always get a bit annoyed when it seems like it gets short shrift...that people use the big feast as only a way to usher in the Christmas season. So I work extra hard in my home to make sure that we give Thanksgiving the proper attention it deserves. We make paper turkeys with feather inscribed with things we are thankful for. We make creative place cards for the big feast...different ones each year. We read stories about Pilgrims and Indians. The kids are probably sick to death of hearing me tell them each and every year about how their great, great, great.... (I can't count how many "greats") Grandfather, Resolved White, was on the Mayflower. I love that I have Pilgrim ancestors. Yep, looks like the history geek coming out in me....
But maybe I'm being a bit of a hypocrite. Because I'm already singing Christmas music right and left in all the choirs I perform with. The girls are practicing Christmas songs on the piano. I'm heavily into my Christmas shopping. Obviously I have Christmas on the brain at least a little. And I'm starting to wonder if maybe part of the reason that I refuse to listen to a single Christmas song on FM100 is because I'm afraid that if I do, I won't be able to stop. Because I LOVE Christmas music. It's one of my very favorite things about the season. And maybe I'm worried that if I fully embrace Christmas music in November, I'll lose Thanksgiving.
Im not ready for Christmas music. I can't even handle the comericials on tv. I am trying to get my shopping done though.
It seems that every year FM100 starts earlier and earlier pretty soon they will start after the 4th of July. Good for you and your christmas shopping. Every year I have the desire to be done by October and every year I don't start looking until December
Bless you for wanting to preserve such a great holiday...I'm sure that trying to veto Christmas in all of the areas that you have some control over is the easiest way to show Thanksgiving that you're really trying. And Thanksgiving appreciates the attention and love! I think that WORKING on Christmas is one thing, but having Thanksgiving in your HEART is what’s important for November.
And bless you for using the words 'short shrift'! I love having literary friends that know how to spell and how to speak! He he he.
I love Thanksgiving, too! I won't listen to the Christmas radio music, but I am guilty of the Christmas piano music! So sorry! :)
I'm with you. I love Christmas music, but I try to wait until after Thanksgiving. Come Friday after Thanksgiving, I'll break out the Carpenter's and Lex's Christmas CD! Gotta love it. It brings back so many memories.
I feel the same. We are not grateful enough and so Thanksgiving should definitely not be missed. I need to take a page from your book though and get started on my shopping
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