July 15, 1997. This is Rebekah and her cousin Jordan. I'm not sure if Jordan was trying to give Rebekah a drink or if he was getting her wet on purpose but the look on her face as that water hits her chest....and then the look on Jordan's face as Rebekah runs away...priceless! Three months is all that separates the two of them in age. They have been best friends literally since day one and I have loved watching them grow up together. I use to wonder if one day they would get to an age where the fact that Jordan is a boy and Rebekah is a girl would make them drift apart. They are both 12 now. And yes, I have seen their relationship change over the past couple of years. At family gatherings Rebekah spends more time than she used to with her girl cousins and Jordan likes to hang out with the uncles. But they always seek each other out first. They are still amazingly close. More so than I would've expected. What lucky kids. (Side note: Doesn't this picture of Rebekah look like Lilian? Wow!)
I have always loved that picture!
That is a very cute picture, they look like brother and sister.
Wow! Jordan looks exactly like Jordan. I wouldn't have been able to tell that was Rebekah if she wasn't next to Jordan. Cute, fun pictures.
I can't believe they're 12! Time flies so fast!
I've never seen that. I agree with Mary, Jordan looks the same but R looks a bit different. Very cute
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