This picture is from December 2004 and yet it looks a lot like this past week here in November 2008. Julianne's hair is longer now. Rebekah won't let me put curlers in her hair anymore. Brandon looks like a little pre-schooler...which I guess, he was at the time. Then, they were playing Shrek 2 on Playstation 2. Now, they're playing Little Big Planet on Playstation 3. And, like then, this week they've been playing TOGETHER. Even Daddy joins in occasionally. The kids are all so individual and unique. They all have different hobbies and tastes. It's great when something comes around that they all want to do together.
I love those moments when everyone gets along, and has fun.
Those are rare moments at our house. Our kids are not yet all at a point where they can do things together. Dalton and Holly do like to play Smash Bros. together occasionally but mostly when they are together someone is crying or screaming.
I love your Favorite Photo Friday! I may have to adopt it on my blog if you don't mind! It's such a great idea!!!
Ha Ha. Spencer should join in with your family. I just barely bought him Little Big Plant too. :)
Wow, this just shows how much they have grown up! I remember those little kids. Glad they play together so well.
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