(Yay! I got my computer to work...well, for a few minutes anyhow, and with one minor crash...)
*What is his name? Bryan. He's not big into nicknames but he usually lets me call him Honey or Sweetie.
*How long have you been together? I think we've now been together longer than we've been apart. We met when I was 16 and I'm now 35!
*How long did you date? We were friends for 6 months, dated for 6 months, wrote letters for two years while he was on his mission, got married 5 and 1/2 months after he got home and now have been married for 15 years.
*How old is he? He will be 37 in about 3 weeks.
*Who eats more? That would be me, unfortunately. He's better at portion control and being done when he's satisfied. I tend to stuff myself and live by the "That tastes like more!" philosophy.
*Who said "I love you" first? He did, written and verbal. He wrote it in a post card while on vacation shortly after we first started dating. The hyperventilation I experienced when I pulled that out of the mailbox! Then he said it verbally, called it out loud and clear for everyone to hear, actually, as he was walking down the concourse to catch his plane to take him away for 2 years. That one induced floods of tears.
*Who is taller? He is. I am 5'4''...we're not sure exactly how tall he is. He's not a basketball player by any means...probably around 5'9" or 10" but tall enough that I can wear any size heels out of my closet and still be shorter. I'm glad because I really like heels.
*Who sings better? Me. But he actually has a nice voice. He used to sing in the S.L. Childrens Choir when he was little. He just doesn't do any singing now.
*Who is smarter? Him. Dang, that man is a genius!!
*Who does the laundry? Me. I don't think I've ever seen him do a load of laundry. Well, he does fix the washer when it breaks and for that I am eternally grateful.
*Who does the dishes? Me. It bugs me more to see them sitting around so I get to them faster. He'll do them if I ask.
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are facing the bed....he does. He really doesn't care which side he sleeps on. I'm the particular one.
*Who pays the bills? Me. Just easier since I'm home more.
*Who mows the lawn? Me. He travels so much that it makes more sense for me to do yard stuff. Plus, he as allergies. Plus, I actually enjoy it, he doesn't. But he will mow the lawn if I ask him to...you know, some sort of thing like, "I'll edge if you mow!"
*Who cooks dinner? Hmmm. I probably cook more during the week and he takes over on the weekends. For me cooking is a chore. He actually really enjoys it and is a much better cook than I am.
*Who drives when you are together? Depends. If we are going somewhere just the two of us, he usually drives. If we are going somewhere together as a family then it could be either of us.
*Who is more stubborn? Ummm, me? I really am not sure.
*Who kissed who first? Bryan kissed me on our first date. Totally didn't even see it coming. But was happy about it all the same. (It was my first kiss.)
*Who asked out who first? That first date where the first kiss happened? It was my Jr. Prom and he asked me. I thought we were going as friends but it didn't really turn out that way. :)
*Who proposed? Bryan did. In front of his family, my family and friends at his brother's missionary farewell open house.
*Who is more sensitive? Me.
*Who has more friends? Me because I'm pretty social. Bryan is a charming guy and can makes friends easily if he chooses to. But usually he's pretty content with the friends he has or, even, just hanging by himself.
*Who has more siblings? I am the oldest of 5. He is the oldest of 4.
*Who wears the pants in the family? He does. I try to keep the household running smoothly but he is the patriarch of the home. His presence here at home makes a big difference and we all miss him tremendously when he is out of town. (The kids also obey him more than me...apparently I am a push over sometimes....)
I tag anyone who wants to brag about their husbands.
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