Sunglasses are a necessity at Cherry Hill. If I spend my time at Cherry Hill sunglasses-less I end up squinting all day and then, besides possibly getting a headache from the constant squinting, I end up worrying that all this extra squinting is leading to permanent wrinkles around my eyes. I am almost 35 you know!
So, at Cherry Hill today I was prepared with my sunglasses. Lilian showed some interest in them and kept pulling them off my face. Picture #1: I put the sunglasses on Lilian. Picture #2: She, having got what she wanted, contentedly poses for the camera. Picture #3: Lilian pulls the sunglasses off and promptly throws them on the grass. If Rebekah had continued to take pictures #4 would have been Brandon holding up my broken glasses with a look of dismay on his face after he stepped on them. "I didn't see them, Mom! I really didn't!" And picture #5 would've been me squinting into the sun for the next 2 and 1/2 hours.
she looks blonder and blonder every time I see her. I suppose it's a function of her getting tanner but also of her hair getting lightened. Funny post - I know I shouldn't laugh. Poor sunglasses!
Argggh, I suppose this means you will be buying another pair of sunglasses.
It's inevitable isn't it? You give in to what they want, worried about what will happen and inevitably whatever you were worried about happens.
I'm sorry that you had to squint into the sun for the rest of the day. You know if you had brown or hazel eyes you would not have had to deal with that :)
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