You can tell my kids must be bored. Time for school to start! I was cleaning the kitchen when Brandon walked in dressed as a girl. My rough and tumble, wrestling, karate kicking, pokemon loving, boy, Boy, BOY...I mean, this kid is ALL BOY...in girl clothes?? I have to admit, I was rather disturbed. It was hard to look at him. Then the girls came out wearing outfits of Brandon's. For some reason, that wasn't quite as bad. They were trying quite hard to make sure they looked as much boy as he looked girl. Didn't work, really. They look cute. Brandon just looks...well, disturbing. Did I mention that already? Well, at least they were playing together, right? I'm glad school is starting in a few days.
How funny! It took me a minute to realize which one Brandon was. I should have just looked at the heights of everyone. Dalton used to love to dress up in princess dresses with Holly, complete with crown, shoes and jewelry. That was disturbing!
I looked the most cute!!!!
He kind of looks like Julianne! It did also take me a minute to figure out who was who.
What kids do when they get bored. I'm with you!! Hooray for school to start
Ryan would absolutely die if my boys came out wearing dresses and such. Luckily none of Abby's things will fit them.
Wow, yeah, it took me a minute. I thought Brandon was Julianne :-) How funny!!
Ok y I looked so weird in that picture is because I was about 2 sneeze!!!!
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