Here's me in high school age 17. Blonde as can be. We were on Concert Choir tour in California.

Snow College 1992. Wow, those are some big eyes! And even bigger hair!! And my gorgeous friend Stephanie. Funny, like the first picture...we are on a choir tour.

Age 19. Yikes! I hate saying I was a teenager when I got married!! I wouldn't change anything, certainly, but I always have to add that I was a month away from turning 20! Still pretty blonde.

Graduating from college at age 23. I've had Rebekah and am newly pregnant with Julianne. Can you see my hair getting slightly darker?

Age 25 or so. Now I've had another pregnancy and my hair is darkening still.

Millennium Choir's "Gloria" concert in December of 1999 with my sisters Mary, Melissa and Katie.

2001 with baby Brandon. We're sitting at my Papa's gravesite. That's why I'm looking teary. Brandon was born 6 months to the day after he died. We named Brandon after him.

2004. This is when I decided to embrace "the dark side" and dye my hair darker seeing as it was heading that way. It was a lighter brown at this point.
This is, more or less, me now. I went even darker brown and have stayed that way. The picture was taken about 2 years ago.
Wow Sarah, you dont even look the same from when you were younger. Funny I was born blonde, and went dark, and now once in a while I have blonde highlights. I think the grass is alway greener right?!
I had no idea those first few pictures were of you! How funny! I love seeing the progression in your darkening hair! Thanks for sharing! I LOVE your hair dark, the way it is now. I think it suits you. But maybe cause thats they only way I've known you!
You look good no matter what color your hair is. Why is it that blondes go darker but brunettes never go lighter? Just a thought.
Wow Sarah it was fun seeing not only your hair color change but your styles progress. I think the dark color looks fabulous but I'm a bit biased to dark brown hair
holy cow. I keep thinking that if you didn't dye your hair that it would be pretty brown. After seeing all the pictures - maybe not! I like that embraced the brown rather than trying to dye it back to the age 17 blonde! light roots are way better than dark ones!
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