My final day in New York was a relaxing one. After running around all over the city for days, I decided to spend the last of my time taking full advantage of my no kids status and pamper myself. I slept in till 10:00. I shopped my way through 5th Avenue, Rockefeller Plaza and Times Square. I grabbed a late lunch on my way back to the hotel and then ate while sprawled out on my bed watching back episodes of Glee on my laptop. And then later that night Bryan and I meandered our way to a romantic little Italian restaurant. Which, unfortunately, ended up being much higher in atmosphere than quality food. All the same, we enjoyed our last evening together in New York City.

And realistically, as much fun as I had exploring NYC...truly the best part of the trip was being with Bryan. One of our very favorite things to do together...try new restaurants. So what fun to be able have such a huge variety within walking distance. Date night! Every night! For five nights straight! Monday was Indian food at the Bombay Palace on 5th Ave. Tuesday was seafood and steak at McCormick and Schmicks. Wednesday was BBQ at Virgil's in Times Square. Thursday was Irish food at Emmett O'Lunney's Irish Pub. And Friday was Italian at Azalea's.
Did I see everything I had hoped and planned to? No. But I saw so much more than I ever would've expected. I had heard that NYC was filled with grumpy people in a hurry. That the city, as cool as it was, was also kind of dangerous. Don't make eye contact with anyone. Keep to yourself. I was pleasantly surprised to find the opposite true. I did A LOT of serious people watching this week. And yes, I was on "yellow alert" (as Bryan calls it) while wandering around.... But what I found was smiling, chatty, happy New York natives. And I loved wandering around that amazing city with them, trying to blend in. I didn't ever bother with figuring out the subway or taking a taxi anywhere. I walked everywhere I the point that my feet are STILL trying to recover. But what more of an adventure that made for me!
A few final pics of my last day:

Spur of the moment I decided to walk into Tiffany's and have a look around. Mostly because every time I'd passed it throughout the week the song "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something would pop into my head.
You say that we've got nothing in common,
No common ground to start from and we're falling apart.
You'll say the world has come between us,
Our lives have come between us, still I know you just don't care
And I said, "What about breakfast at Tiffany's?"
She said, "I think I remember the film?
And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it."
And I said, "Well, that's one thing we've got."
Which, of course, is referring to the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with Audrey Hepburn back when Tiffany's sold more than just bling bling. And oh, wow. That bling! I didn't stay for long. I felt a little awkward knowing that no how, no way was I going to be able to afford anything in there. But it was fun to see it all, even if I did have to wipe away the drool as I walked out the door....

The famously grand and glorious Plaza Hotel just outside Central Park. Honestly, I know the hotel best because of the "Eloise at the Plaza" books and subsequent movies. Which is why I thought it hilariously funny that they actually have an Eloise flag flying at the front door! I had to take a picture to show to the kids.

Radio City Music Hall was one of my landmarks. I'd see the big sign in the distance and know I was almost home. I could see it from my hotel window, it was on our same street (51st Street) just to the right. I spent an inordinate amount of time watching big trucks and trailers filled with set pieces pull up and men working around the clock carrying old stuff out and new stuff in. Like I mentioned before, they also had Rockette auditions (tryouts?) while we were there...hundreds of girls lined up hoping for their chance to shine on that stage.

This was my other landmark, when I came from the opposite direction...also on 51st Street and visible from my window to the left. Such a contrast from all the other modern skyscrapers surrounding it. I smiled every time I heard those cathedral bells ring. Being just steps away, I regret not ever taking the time to actually walk in and see the interior.

While wandering/shopping I came across a park next to the big New York Library. My tired feet were aching for a break so I walked in. Bryant Park, the sign said. The name sounded familiar...but everything in NY sounds familiar, right? I didn't think too much about. I enjoyed my little break... people watching and pigeon watching. A business man walked by, stopped in front of me and said something to the effect of "See? It's days like this that make me want to be out here with all of you rather than working in my office." I smiled. He continued on his way. Whatever. Such a pretty place...I hesitated leaving, myself. But eventually I, too, continued on my way. Later I realized where I had heard the name Bryant Park before. Ever watch "Project Runway?" It's that designer reality show hosted by Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn. This park is the place where they set up their tents and have their finale fashion show during Fashion Week. Oh! Wish I had thought of that while I had actually been there!