Friday, January 30, 2009

Facebook Newbie

I joined Facebook yesterday. Kind of as an experiment. To see what all the fuss was about. I'd been invited through email numerous times but had always resisted. So when Lilian went down for a nap yesterday afternoon I sat down at the computer... Dang! It's so huge it's almost overwhelming! All 4 of my sisters are there. A good 50% of my cousins. Aunts and Uncles too. And that's before I even got into all the highschool and college friends. Plus all the neighborhoods we've ever lived in during our marriage. Oh my. I've had to force myself to get up and clean the kitchen, ask the kids how school went, make Lilian some lunch. I'm hoping that after a few days the novelty will wear off and life will get back to normal with just average checking and maintenance of my profile. I'm new at this so to you more seasoned facebookers: is it possible? Or does there go life as I know it?


Anonymous said...

Oh I love facebook, you will love it! I will have to find you. :)

Croft Family said...

I like facebook but I'm not addicted to it. The novelty will die off.

Mindy said...

I've been thinking about doing this, but just havent taken the plunge.

Jan T. said...

Yahoo! Welcome to facebook!:)

Camilla Millar said...

I've actually never really gotten into it. . .I think the novelty wears off quickly.