November 1999
I know that I talked a bit about my London adventure a few months ago in a previous post... But in honor of the BIG WEDDING today, I thought I'd post a few more pictures from our trip. I don't know if I should admit to a guilty pleasure or declare it with pride...but I am a House of Windsor royal watcher. Have been since I was in Jr. High. Maybe it's silly seeing as the royal family really has nothing to do with us here in America. Escapism, maybe? The whole fairy tale, princesses and castles of it all? The pomp and circumstance and grandeur? Or maybe just the foreignness...figuratively and literally...of the whole thing. Well, whatever it is, I set my Tivo to record the grand event and am looking forward to watching it after I get home tonight. Maybe I should make scones and tea?
I recorded 4 hours of the event too and will catch up on it tonight after Maddy goes to bed. I'll also admit that I spent around 2 hours this morning internet surfing and discussion THE WEDDING and the succession of the Royal Family myself.
Yup. I'll admit, that I too, got up early to watch - not 4am early - I got up at 6 - but still, that's early for me. And like Mel - I internet surfed it too. However, I get to blame (thank?) Sarah for it. I remember her many times stating fond memories of staying up to watch Charles and Diana's wedding, and I thought it would be fun to have my own memories of getting up to watch a famous wedding! So Sarah can you tell that I want to be just like you when I grow up?!?
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