Been on a craft kick the past week or so....

These wood letters are wrapped in yarn. And let me tell you, it's a lot harder to do than it looks. And time consuming too.
While I was working on them Bryan walked in, watched me for a minute and then said, "Are you sure Brandon will even want to hang those in his room?" Well, shoot. Hadn't really thought about that. What if he didn't like them?
I finished them anyhow but instead of doing a big "Ta-Da!!" reveal, I just put them up in his room and didn't say anything. He walked in while I was making his bed, noticed them immediately and said, "Mom!! Wow! Those look SO cool! Thank you!!"

When Lilian was a baby I bought, painted, distressed and then hung wooden letters in her room spelling out her name. This past week I took those same letters and jazzed them up a bit by putting them in a frame lined with coordinating patterned paper. This project, unlike Brandon's letters, took me only about a half hour. Maybe because I already had the letters done...

Years and years ago I started a Thanksgiving tradition where my kids and I would make little crafty place settings for the big feast. We've made turkeys out of pinecones, mini leaf collages from leaves we've collected up the canyon, Pilgrims out of foam get the idea. This year we made little Pilgrim hats out of upside down terra cotta pots, some ribbon and felt. We painted them with chalkboard paint so we could write the names right on the hat. It was fun to put these together. (Thanks, Mary, for your help!)
And while making the Pilgrim hats, Julianne also went to town on these beauties. Cloves in oranges...what a great, holiday smell. But Julianne also decided to jazz them up with ribbon and buttons as well.