Monday, May 24, 2010

Potty Training: Take 2

This little girl has filled up her potty chart. Which means that not only is she wearing cute little Dora or Princess panties pretty much every day but she also got to go to Super Target and pick out a special toy. She picked out a tea set...despite the fact that she has already has so many toy dishes and food that it seems like I'm tripping over them every time I turn around. I guess this means that the play kitchen we've got for her birthday will be a big hit next week.

And okay, okay. I admit it. It was way back in January that I briefly mentioned that I was starting the whole potty training adventure. I blogged about it specifically so I couldn't back out when things got hard. But after 3 days or so things did get hard. And I decided I wasn't matter if she was or not. We put away the stickers and the chart and the potty and pulled back out the diapers. And I breathed a big sigh of relief....while simultaneously holding my nose every time I changed a stinky diaper. But a couple of weeks ago I decided BOTH of us were now ready. We made a new chart. We bought more of those panties with her favorite TV characters on them and off we went. Success! Pretty much. I'm sure we're still in for some of those "but I was busy, Mom!" or "I couldn't hold it!" moments. But for the most part I think we're golden. Now if only I could convince her that those automatic flushing toilets at the store aren't going to suck her in and down....


Mary said...

Funny. My kids never got scared of the flushing toilets at the store. In fact, they insisted that they flush them. Interesting how kids see things differently. Great job Lilian and great job to you for sticking it out! Isn't it great to be done with diapers?

Jenn said...

Yay for Lilian and for you!! I've bought everything to get started potty training Erik, yet I just can't get going on it. I think you just gave me the motivation I needed to get going on that!

Croft Family said...

YAY no more diapers at your house. You are on to the next stage! GOOD JOB Lilian!!!

Katie said...

Holly is still afraid of those automatically flushing toilets. She will use one and then jump up and run across the stall when it flushes. The other day I died laughing when one started flushing on Ally before she was ready. I've never seen her move that fast before. It was hilarious!!!

Melissa@thebblog said...

Yeah for potty training. Can you come and teack Jake?