My friend Mylissa and I have signed up for the 60 mile route on this Goldilocks ride. It is this Saturday. We are excited. And a little bit scared. I keep telling Mylissa that I did 60 miles last year on only my 3rd ride ever. And yes, I couldn't sit for 2 days afterwards. But I did it. Certainly we are so much more prepared now than I was then! Mylissa hasn't ever done a race like this before. I think she's dealing with fear of the unknown. And I can relate with that because....

...last year I had that same fear of the Women of Steel triathlon. I trained and I worried. I worried and I trained. I was so preoccupied with this triathlon, mentally and physically, that I think even Bryan was sick to death of hearing about it. But I did it. And it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it might be. So while most of my neighbors were signing up for a half marathon, I let another friend, Brenda, talk me into doing Women of Steel again. Running and biking? A cake walk this year. Even swimming would be easier, although I knew I had a lot of work to do in that area. But then...I got busy with "Power In His Touch." And my mornings were taken up with those Insanity workouts. And I was much more interested in biking than swimming. And then....Brenda? She pulled out on me a few weeks ago. She was having surgery. And all the sudden I found myself at a loss. Yes, I could still do this on my own. And yes, officially I am still registered. But I can't for the life of me seem to find the will to get my tired body out of bed and go swimming on my own. I'm thinking I might skip it. And I feel conflicting emotions about that...sadness, relief, guilt. All the same, I am hugely grateful to Brenda for one big thing...if it weren't for her, I would've signed up for that half marathon. And oh, how glad I am that I'm not doing that!!!

I did Little Red last year. That was my big 60 miles I referred to earlier. This year Mylissa and I are shooting for 100. Once again, we are excited. And a little scared. I think Goldilocks will be a good trial run/training ride. And although last year my legs cramped up, and my shoulders ached, and my bottom end screamed in rebellion...I have fond memories of the whole thing. I really think we can do the 100 miles. I just hope, hope, hope that it isn't as windy as it was last year!

Ragnar...or the Wasatch Back as it's called here in Utah, is a running relay. I was invited by an old college friend to be part of their 12 person team that runs from Logan to Park City over the course of 2 days. Each member of the team runs 3 different legs...some of which end up being in the middle of the night. As complicated as it seems, apparently it runs rather smoothly. I've been told that it's quite the crazy party...I'm assuming that is because every one is slap happy from lack of sleep! Routes are varied and different. Some runners have routes that take them straight up the canyon. Some routes are looooong. Combining my 3 routes together I think I go total of 12 miles which isn't too bad. My middle of the night route takes me uphill...but not straight up, thankfully! I've discovered through all of this that I enjoy biking more than running. However, running is getting easier and I am pretty excited about this race.

I got my confirmation just today that I will be doing the LOTOJA bike race in September. Apparently it is so popular... people come from all over the country to do this race...that they have a lottery to decide who get the chance to ride. It's a 206 mile race from Logan to Jackson Hole in one day. And no, I'm nowhere near crazy enough to try doing it on my own. Luckily for me, you can do LOTOJA in a relay of up to 5 people. I'm on a team with four other ladies in my neighborhood. My route is the first one...35 or so miles to Preston, Idaho. No canyon climbing for me. I'm nervous about this. It's a BIG race. But I'm also super excited....and rather relieved that I have till September to build up my speed and endurance.
you're insane. that's all I have to say. I still love you though. :)
Just a little but to each their own!
Wow! You really are a woman of steel!
Crazy? Well yes. But that's because you would never see me out there doing all of these things. You amaze me...in a crazy sort of way!
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