She ran a 5K ..the Knight Trek...sponsored by her Jr. High. It was COLD! But at least the rain held off until AFTER the run.
For two solid weeks she and her friend Casey worked on their combined science project. I was heartily relieved when it was done. Judging from the look on her face, so was Rebekah. Either that or she was annoyed that I was making her stand in the hall for a photo op with all her friends walking by....

A couple of weeks ago Rebekah auditioned for Choraliers...the show choir for her Jr. High. It was a pretty tough audition. A solo, sightreading, clapping out ryhthms, holding her own part with a bunch of other singers. I thought she did amazingly well. And when the list went up a few days later, her name was on it! Today was the Spring Concert. Rebekah ended up singing a solo with her Concert Choir. She was also introduced as a new Choralier for the 2010-2011 year, presented with a rose and then invited to sing a combined number with all outgoing and incoming Choraliers. It was a fun Disney themed concert...hence the colorful ripped shirt and the fancy princess dresses.
This is a picture of a proud mom.
And this is a picture of Rebekah wanting proud mom to be silly with her.
She also was invited to the school's awards night where she was to be recognized for being on the high honor roll all year. I have no picture of this, however, because she decided to skip this honor so she had more time to work on her science project. How very apropos. So you will just have to use your imagination and pretend there is a picture here of Rebekah, looking beautiful..all dressed up, smiling proudly as she holds up some fancy award. Can you see it in your head?
Your amazing Rebekah just like her your mother..i love the proud pic of you two! :)
She's awesome!
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