A quick question.... in your opinion, in this picture does Rebekah look more like me or her Aunt Melissa? When Rebekah was just 19 months old Melissa came to a church Christmas party with me. I was performing in part of the program and Bryan was out of town so Melissa volunteered to help with little Rebekah. One of my neighbors pulled me aside and told me that she thought Rebekah looked more like my sister than me! And that was even BEFORE I went brunette! But lately, a lot of people have commented on how much Rebekah is looking just like her mother. This picture was taken about a year and a half ago. What do you think?
You are all pretty close.
She looks like both of you. A little more like you though.
she looks just like her mother...gorgeous as ever!!
I think she looks like you if you ignore hair color. Because you and I look enough alike, I could get away with being her mom as long as you aren't there to muddy up the comparison!
It's hard to tell. I think she looks like both of you.
You all have the same eyes, nose and smile, she has your chin. I vote for you! But you and Melissa look a lot a like as well.
Rebekah's face looks just like your face. You two look so much alike - espeically before you went brunette. I agree with Melissa though - she could pull off the mom role if you weren't there...
Hmm, my first impression was that Rebekah looks like Melissa--the eyes and the cheekbones, but yes she does have her mothers chin. When I looked at the smiles, it's Melissa and Sarah who have the same smile and Rebekah doesn't match either of them! I'll have to say that Rebekah is her own woman!!
Love, Grandma Dalton
I think it is her face shape that looks like Melissa's-rounder cheeks, while yours seem more angular.
But, yeah, she's definitely got your chin.
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