My mom, who is also sick with something very similar, and I have been debating the past few days whether this is an extremely nasty cold or Swine Flu. Chances are good we'll never know because neither one of us has any desire to spend hours sitting in a crowded waiting room only to have them poke a big, long swab up our nose and say "Yep, you have H1N1. Go home to bed and come back if it gets worse." Well, whatever it is, it's the pits.
sorry sis! hope you feel better soon. Love you.
Ugh. Sorry about that! I had it a few weeks ago, and it sucks. I do take some comfort in knowing that people are finally starting to realize that, as much as it sucks, it's not as deadly as people are freaking out about. More deaths have been attributed to the regular flu so far this year than there have been to H1N1, so I applaud you and your mom for just muscling through and getting over it.
Chocolate Satin Pie. Keep up with the fluids, watch a lot of tv with Lilian, and get better by Saturday!
Yup---going to the doctor doesn't really help in this case (though it probably exposes you to other, more interesting diseases!). And the nose-swab looked so painful when they did it to two of my little ones! They didn't like it one bit! We all got some sort of flu in the last three weeks. It was horrible. I hope you get over it soon and don't spread it to your kidlets.
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