I think she liked the pumpkins and fall leaves even more than the witches. She happily wandered through the shops with me. And she ADORED the petting zoo. The look on her face and the giggles that accompanied when she realized she could actually touch the animals cracked me up. She opted out of the pony ride. Apparently watching the ponies go round and round seemed safer than actually sitting on them.

What is up with Mady's face in the top picture? Gave me a good chuckle. I didn't know that they had a petting zoo too. Was that there when we went years back or is that new? Fun that Lilian loved the animals so much.
I need to go, it has been way to long. Glad you all had fun.
Lillian looks a little worried with Maddy sitting next to her too. Not a smile on the bunch, unless that witch is smiling and we just can't tell. Cute.
I'm glad you took pictures.
We're headed there on Friday. Hope the weather is decent! Looks like you had fun. :)
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