After two straight days at sea we were ready to get off the ship. Don't get me wrong....they were two luxuriously wonderful days at sea. But we were excited to add some sightseeing to the great memories we'd already made. Puerto Vallarta was our first port of call. We stepped off the boat and....went to Walmart. Yes, Walmart. Bryan needed some sunglasses and Walmart was right across the street. That very un-Mexico-vacation deed done we grabbed a taxi and headed into historic downtown. We wandered down the boardwalk....ocean and beach on one side, shops on the other. Very pretty. But very HOT! Temps were in the low 90's. Not too bad, really, until you factor in humidity. I live in a desert. Dry heat is what I'm used to. It's amazing what 95% humidity can do to make a somewhat hot day seem that much scorchingly worse. I had sweat rolling down my back. My sunglasses kept sliding down my nose. It was rather uncomfortable and we sought shade wherever we could....even forging our way through a hord of elementary kids because they were on the shady side of the road.

Through the heat we continued. Into an old cathedral to look around. Through a flea market where I found myself staring at the floor because even a halfway interested glance at an item would bring the pushiest, in your face, sales pitch you could ever imagine. Out onto the beach to dig our toes into the sand and get our first feel of the waves around our ankles. And then, after only 2 and 1/2 hours we called "uncle", declared the heat the winner and headed back to the ship for some lunch and a dip in the pool.

Next up.... Cabo San Lucas
Bryan's not flying on that maypole think in the bottom pictures is he? Seems like something he would enjoy!
I'm not a fan of humidity either. It just sucks the life out of you somehow!
I have never sweat so bad in my entire life as I did in South Carolina in the humidity. It was gross! Our mission pres. even told us that we could come home halfway through the day to shower again.
By the way, you look very cute and skinny in that first picture!
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