Monday, September 15, 2008

Visiting Teaching

Okay, so real quick.... I had to run to Costco this morning. Lilian and I were in the car by 10:15 which was good because I knew I had visiting teaching at 1:00. I was 1/3 the way there when I realized that I had forgotten to bring a disc with the pictures I wanted to get printed. Auugghh! Although I had planned to do a bunch of grocery shopping, the pictures were the main reason I was going to Costco. It made no sense to go without them. I turned around and headed back home. Got inside and frantically tried to find a blank disc to put the pictures on. Can't find one. Kari had called me at this point, a patient listener to all my frustrated ramblings. She suggested a USB drive. Duh. Of course! I had one of those! But, I didn't really know how to get the pictures on it. She kindly walked me through it, we said goodbye and Lilian and I ran back out the door at 11:00. We got the pictures printing (of course it would be a busy day for the photo lab!) and we continued on with our shopping as we killed time for an hour. I got everything loaded and realized I only had about 25 min. to make it home, unload all the groceries and make it to my visiting teaching appointments. Yikes! And I was supposed to give the message! So I called Melissa, who was sitting at her computer at work, and asked her if she would look up the message for me on the web. She said sure and said, "I think it's on divinity." Huh? I was having a hard time hearing her as I raced 80 mph down the freeway. "Did you say the message is on VIRGINITY????" That seemed a bit odd to me that the Relief Society Visiting Teaching message would be on virginity! Melissa laughed so hard she about wet her pants...being pregnant will do that to you. "No!" she said, "It's on DIVINITY!" Ah. That made much more sense. Actually, the lesson wasn't on either of those was on Eternal Progression or something. But I told the story to both of the ladies I visited today. They each got a hardy laugh out of it and you know what? I really don't think they're going to remember that the message was about eternal progression. I think they're going to remember that the lesson was NOT about virginity.


Mary said...

Ok-That's too funny!

Melissa@thebblog said...

oh, I'm laughing again. the tears . . . pregnancy also makes you cry for no apparent reason . . .

Katie said...

It sounds like you need your ears checked as much as I do!

Jan T. said...

Sooo funny! I bet you were shocked!:) I hope we never see the day that there is a VT message on virginity! I sure don't want to be around for it!:)

Jill said...

Still laughing. I told my visiting teachers the story when they came yesterday! Classic! Jill