This is what happens when you plan out your backyard, set up a place for a flower bed, hire someone to put concrete curbing all around and then... not actually plant anything. People said, "Oh it's too hot to be planting trees and bushes, they'll just die. Wait till Fall." Apparently it's not too hot for sunflowers. At least they're colorful. Oh, but did I mention the bees?
Wow, your very own sunflower garden! It's too bad that you don't want to keep them. It'll be a chore to yank them all out one day. But I'd rather have sunflowers than those prickly weeds.
You're right...it is colorful! I actually like it! The bees would definitely be a problem though! Looks like you have quite a job this fall! We've lived here 4 yrs. now and our back yard is much worse!
yea, love the sunflowers, why can't we just have a "wild" flower bed and call it good, It would be so much eaiser.
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