I have a new nephew! Little Kaden Gregory was born this past Tuesday the 2nd of September to my sister Mary and her husband Ryan. And I'm feeling sad that I don't get to hold him or snuggle him or smell his baby newness or even lay eyes on him, other than in pictures, because they live in another state. I'm missing my sweet Mary alot this week. She used to live quite close to me. We hung out at least 2-3 times a week and when she moved away a few years ago I cried and cried. Honestly, I don't think you'll find anyone more generous, good, honest, kind, or optimistic than Mary.
In other family news, today is my parents 36th wedding anniversary. I'm not s

ure words can even express how much I love my parents. I hope, I hope, I hope that Bryan and I can be as good of parents to our children as they have been and continue to be to me. Through them comes my love of music, education and of the gospel. Because of them I have fond memories of family walks, summer vacations to California, popcorn on the stove, sleeping under the Christmas tree, the Blue Plate Special, and singing "Happy Birthday" in 5 part harmony. They are good and they are kind and I had the best growing up years any kid could ask for. And they are still in love after 36 years of marriage. What a wonderful example for all their children to follow.
Congradulations Mary & Ryan, I just love new little babies. I can't wait to see more pictures of him. Also what an example your parents are, Happy Anniversary to them. Good parents are such a blessing.
Congrats to Mary & Ryan. What a great tribute to your parents.
Wow, you made me cry. I miss you too!
Nice post Sarah! thank you. I'm so glad that we have a family that loves each other still - even after all those years. And, after all those girls!
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