Halloween 2005. My kids are trick-or-treating with Deidra, Tiffany and Kendra....a tradition we upheld for many, many years. This picture is one of my favorites because of Brandon. He was excited and hyper. Sugar rush, maybe? Or maybe just adrenaline from the anticipation finally giving way to the actual Halloween holiday? Maybe it was just Brandon being Brandon. I was having a hard time getting him to stay still long enough to get a picture. He was about to jump out of frame here but I caught him mid-jump. And the look of glee on his face.... it cracks me up every time I see this picture.
Oh that makes me want to cry. I was just thinking the other day how you guys wont be here this year, so sad.
Thanks for the cute pic. Love ya
What a cute pictures. Maybe we can carry on the tradition and go with the Thomas kids.
I agree....Brandon steals the show in that picture! I love it.
Brandon really did make a cute Harry Potter. I am still trying to nail down what the kids want to be for Halloween this year.
On a different note, I made three of the blankets for my kids today. It sure was easy, fun and fast. Only one more to go.
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