My name is Julianne.
The name I should be called is Drama Girl because I am very dramatic.
The animal that is inside me is a butterfly because I am tiny and colorful.
What's in my heart is bubbles because I am light and I go with the flow.
The sound I like is the sizzling of bacon in a pan.
The sound I dislike is my mother calling me to come clean up my junk.
I smell I love is vanilla.
The smell I don't love is sweat.
I love to touch fuzzy blankets.
I don't love to touch sticky jars of honey.
I love the taste of German chocolate cake.
I don't love the taste of tomatoes.
Something I like to look at is a good book.
Something I don't like to see is 1s and 2s on my report card.
My favorite memory is being with my family.
My favorite thing in the whole world is the library.