Thursday, February 26, 2009

Since When Is Lilian a Binky Baby?

See this? This is Lilian with a binky. With a BINKY! This is my child who refused, absolutely refused, to take a binky when she was a baby. I bought, literally, 5 different types of binkies trying to find one she would take. Nope. None. So I comforted myself with the knowledge that breaking her from the binky habit was one thing I wouldn't have to worry about later. But then a few weeks ago my sister Katie came over. Katie has a 5 month old son who, of course, takes the binky wonderfully. Lilian, for some reason, seemed to be very interested in his binky. Kept taking it away from him. Finally, in the interest of keeping my nephew happy and my sister stress free, I dug up one of those old binkies that I had bought over a year ago. Thinking that Lilian would look at it as a toy, a novelty, I gave it to her for the day. She did think it was pretty darn neat that whole day. And the next day. And the next.... Now it runs a close second to her blanket as the coolest thing ever. And that binky habit that I wasn't going to have to worry about? Yeah.


Mary said...

Oh Sarah. That's too funny...or maybe NOT funny. Good luck with the weening process. I've never had to deal with that. My kids just lost interest. I hope that Lilian will be the same.

Melissa@thebblog said...

Oh no, that's kind of bad news! Just at the age when you might want to start weaning a child of the binky does she start to like one!

Liz said...

Wow, funny you posted this today. I just wrote about how Anna finally gave hers up last week. But interestingly, she was like Lilian and didn't ever take it as a baby but started using it after she was a year to a year and a half old. I hope it's not too difficult to wean her later!

Katie said...

Sorry about that!

Mindy said...

That is too funny that she wants it now. Just take them away, she hasnt had them that long, so hopefully it wont be that bad when she no longer has them.

BC said...

Mindy has the right idea. It absolutely won't be a problem because we will simply take them away and that is that. What is she going to do, go buy a new one?

Croft Family said...

I was wondering how Bryan felt about Lilian having a binky but now I know.

Jan T. said...

I can relate! Jace did the EXACT same thing....hated his binky's! He found them at the bottom of his toy basket about a month ago and is now HOOKED! Who woulda thought? Now what do we do?