See this? This is Lilian with a binky. With a BINKY! This is my child who refused, absolutely refused, to take a binky when she was a baby. I bought, literally, 5 different types of binkies trying to find one she would take. Nope. None. So I comforted myself with the knowledge that breaking her from the binky habit was one thing I wouldn't have to worry about later. But then a few weeks ago my sister Katie came over. Katie has a 5 month old son who, of course, takes the binky wonderfully. Lilian, for some reason, seemed to be very interested in his binky. Kept taking it away from him. Finally, in the interest of keeping my nephew happy and my sister stress free, I dug up one of those old binkies that I had bought over a year ago. Thinking that Lilian would look at it as a toy, a novelty, I gave it to her for the day. She did think it was pretty darn neat that whole day. And the next day. And the next.... Now it runs a close second to her blanket as the coolest thing ever. And that binky habit that I wasn't going to have to worry about? Yeah.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Since When Is Lilian a Binky Baby?
See this? This is Lilian with a binky. With a BINKY! This is my child who refused, absolutely refused, to take a binky when she was a baby. I bought, literally, 5 different types of binkies trying to find one she would take. Nope. None. So I comforted myself with the knowledge that breaking her from the binky habit was one thing I wouldn't have to worry about later. But then a few weeks ago my sister Katie came over. Katie has a 5 month old son who, of course, takes the binky wonderfully. Lilian, for some reason, seemed to be very interested in his binky. Kept taking it away from him. Finally, in the interest of keeping my nephew happy and my sister stress free, I dug up one of those old binkies that I had bought over a year ago. Thinking that Lilian would look at it as a toy, a novelty, I gave it to her for the day. She did think it was pretty darn neat that whole day. And the next day. And the next.... Now it runs a close second to her blanket as the coolest thing ever. And that binky habit that I wasn't going to have to worry about? Yeah.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Weber State Storytelling Festival
Friday, February 20, 2009
Favorite Photo Friday: Sweet...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Books "To Read"
I have a pile of books next to my bed. It is my "to read" pile. And there are 16 books in it. I just finished "Chocolat" by Joanne Harris for my book club tonight and so was looking this afternoon to see which book I wanted to start next. There are murder mysteries, history books, books I bought at the elementary school book fair, books that are on the list for my book club, light-weight ones and ones that will take more focus. But I love having something to look forward to. And I love knowing that if the book I'm in the middle of doesn't appeal to me at any given moment I can switch for something different. I'm often in the middle of two or three books at a time. I spent some time sitting on my floor prioritizing that pile into an order that I plan to read them. According to my mood today, that is. Maybe tomorrow it will change. But honestly, I felt like I was going through a treasure chest. And maybe all those books won't turn out to be jewels. Some may be wonderful. Some, just entertaining but ultimately forgetable. Some might be downright stinkers. But I'm excited to find out.
Picture Tag

Monday, February 16, 2009
An Unappreciated Valentine
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Logic From An Almost Teenager

Rebekah: "Mom, does this coat look funny with my shorts and leggings?"
Me: "Umm...if you're worried about it why don't you wear your jacket?"
Rebekah: "Because it's cold outside!"
Me: (Trying to hold back giggles...) "You're worried about it being cold and yet you're wearing shorts?"
Rebekah: "Well, at least half of my body can be warm!"
P.S. Maybe I should mention that she is wearing shorts for 7th grade spirit week... She doesn't wear shorts to school on a regular basis in February.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Julianne

Since it's her birthday...can I indulge in bragging a bit?
*Julianne is playing the Bakers Wife in "Into the Woods" with her acting class...pretty much the female lead. The whole story revolves around the Baker and the Bakers Wife. She's an amazingly good little actress.
*Julianne just got a solo in the 5th grade program.
*She was chosen represent her elementary school and perform in the Storytelling Festival up at Weber State later this month without even auditioning!
*She is fabulous at math. The way her brain figures out problems and thinks them through is really impressive.
*Julianne is an amazing writer. You should read some of the stories she writes for class. So much detail and character conversation.
*She's very responsible.
*She is kind of a home body which means that she hangs out with me a lot and I've learned that I really enjoy talking with a friend.
*She likes to clean bathrooms!! Last week she offered to clean my bathroom if I would clean her room. I gladly accepted! I hate cleaning bathrooms.
*She can be serious and intellectual and then turn around and be a completely hyper drama queen...both of which are totally and completely Julianne.

Happy Birthday Julianne!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Saturday Morning Running
I've been trying to build up my running endurance. And I've been really discouraged because I get tired so fast. I'm used to speed walking. It's a bigger difference and harder than I thought it would be going from walking to running. But I started thinking that maybe running would be easier outside vs. downstairs on my treadmill. Running in place and staring at the wall makes me focus more intently on how long I've been running and how tired I'm getting. I was hoping that being outside, having more to look at, actually running someplace instead of in place would help. So I went to the elementary school where they have a track. I walked 1/2 mile and then ran 2. SO much easier than in my basement. I'm immensely relieved. I was getting rather nervous....wondering if I'd really be able to this triathlon. If I was seriously crazy for signing up in the first place. But now, the running part anyhow, I'm sure I'll be able to do. Still have a lot of work to do, but it will come. Swimming on the other hand.... yeah, still nervous about that.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Never Thought I'd Have To Wear These Again....
I got glasses this week. Just for driving. Mostly at night. Side effects from my LASIK 10 years ago include all lights, from street lamps to brake lights, to have halos. Which makes my night vision not as good as I'd like it to be. My right eye did not end up 20/20 like the left. And that slight blurriness, though not a problem during the day, gets compounded at night with the funky halo lights. So, glasses. They help sharpen things up. They also make me look quite the intellectual, don't you think?
Funny Projects For A Wednesday Night...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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