Good Morning All:
Yesterday was my nutty day. Spent all morning frantically cleaning. (More on why later....) At 12:30 I checked Rebekah and Julianne out of school, also Rebekah's friends Brianna and Casey...and then drove them down to Sandy so they could sing at the Festival of Trees with their Centre Stage Theatre group. While they were doing their thing, Lilian and I wandered around looking at the trees, eating scones and fudge, and standing in line to visit Santa. Fifty minutes in line!!! I kept trying to convince Lilian to bag the whole thing...that I would take her to see Santa at the mall. The very next day, even, if she'd just agree to forget about seeing Santa right then. She was having none of it. And it was probably my fault because I had hyped this trip to the festival and the idea of seeing Santa pretty heavily the night before to get her all excited. This is the first year that she really "gets" the whole Santa thing. We finally made it up there and at first I thought it would all be for naught...that she was going to play the shy card and not even talk to him. But after a moment's hesitation she ran over, jumped on his lap and told him that she wanted moon dough and a Dora car for Christmas. And then proceeded to tell everyone we came in contact with throughout the rest of the day how she got to sit on Santa's lap. So I guess it was worth it. As much as I didn't really have the time to do the whole Festival of Trees experience yesterday, it was fun to be there. I haven't been in years and it's such a neat thing. And raising money for Primary Children's Hospital to help take care of sick kids...that's a cause I can really get behind.
Today we have Brandon's gymnastics "Cold Turkey" meet in Lehi. It's a practice meet. Judges will be there to watch all the routines but instead of giving scores they are writing down feedback...things the boys should work on or things they do well...before the official meet season begins next month. We may try to see a movie on the way home. Harry Potter or Tangled. We'll see how the day goes.
So, that's our weekend, more or less. I won't give you a detailed report of our whole week. It was pretty nutty as well and would take a long time. Readers Digest....the week included two rehearsals for me, 3 early morning choir rehearsals for Rebekah plus a Center Stage rehearsal for both girls, a YW activity, 3 performances, an audition for the stake play, 3x back and forth to gymnastics for Brandon and lots and lots of homework and sleep deprivation. Hopefully next week will be a little easier. It should be easier for the girls at least. I have 3 performances next week as you already know. Tis the season, though, right?
Love, Sarah
Sounds like a crazy weekend/day. I didn't know the girls were doing center stage. Is it the same as Kevin did ?
No. He did Clayton Entertainment in Salt Lake somewhere.
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