Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

Are you like me...and think that Easter combined with General Conference makes for a pretty perfect day? How ideal, on Easter, to listen to our prophet testifying of the Savior...of his atonement, of the resurrection. And to be listening at home, with all my family surrounding me. I can't count how many times I felt like I was going to overflow with love and contentment. I was so glad the Tabernacle Choir sang "He Is Risen." It is my favorite Easter hymn and that was my only regret about being at home on Easter...that we wouldn't get to sing that song in Sacrament Mtg.
And in a less spiritual nice to be able to sleep in and to lounge around in pajamas and no make-up all day! Although it did seem a little funny at dinner. Bryan and I made a fancy Easter feast. Ham, funeral potatoes, asparagus. I set the table with our fancy dishes and with flowers at each setting. And then we sat down to eat in our pajamas!

Although I boiled the eggs plenty early in the day, we didn't start actually dying them until about 9:45 in the evening. And by then Lilian had long since fallen asleep and Rebekah had already left us for her Spring Break camping trip with cousins. So it was just Brandon and Julianne. Because I had planned for 4 kids and there were only 2, they each dyed 16 eggs! I think it was close to 11:00 when they finished.

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