This is what we were doing last night. Today being the last day of school before Christmas break, the kids needed to take their gifts to their friends. So I spent hours and hours wrapping them in clear cellophane wrap and tying them with curling ribbon. (Can I tell you how sick of curling ribbon I am??) I figured as long as I was at it I should do my neighbor gifts as well.
And here's the result. Mostly.

Some of the tiles the girls made were still wet with sticky resin and needed more drying time.

And I ran out of cellophane wrap before I got all of MY gifts finished. Picking up more cellophane is just one more thing on my list today. But almost! Almost done!
Cute stuff. I'm not done with my stuff yet either, but close. It's driving me nuts not being 100% finished! I think i'm going to need a vacation after Christmas is over!
The girls tiles look great! I hope they were please with how they turned out.
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