Seeing as our teenage daughters don't necessarily care about getting fancy Christmas finery to wear to church any more, Lilian was the only one modeling something extra new and special yesterday. Doesn't she look pretty? And so big! She is growing so fast.

And then last night we continued our yearly tradition of letting the kids sleep under...or well, actually, NEAR the tree in their new Christmas pajamas. I had grand visions in my head of all of us peacefully sitting together next to the tree reading Christmas stories before letting the kids drift off the sleep. Well...everything happened but the peaceful part. Arguing over which book to read, Lilian bouncing all over my lap, whining over why "she gets to sleep closest to the tree!", etc. But everyone eventually settled after about three books in and all four kids were actually asleep before 10:00....something of a miracle looking back on the past few weeks of bedtimes averaging around 11:30.

I love Lillian's new dress, she looks so pretty.
What cute kids you have..thats such a fun tradition to have.
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