I used to go sledding all winter long when I was a kid. We had a pretty decent sized hill at the elementary school right behind our house so getting sleds for Christmas was common for all the kids in our neighborhood. Since having children of my own, however, sledding has been rare so today was like a new experience for them and a blast from the past for me. Our friends Gary and Hannah proposed the idea and even shared their sleds with us since we didn't have any. It snowed throughout the night and all day today so the snow was fresh and fluffy. We found a place nearby that had numerous hills of various steepness and we had a blast! We slipped and slid all over the place...and not just on sleds! Climbing back up those hills after sliding down took concentration and patience to get to the top without slipping. All of us, adults included, landed on our backsides more than once. And a lot of laughing ensued.One big hill was entirely ice. That's where Rebekah and Brandon spent the majority of their time because you didn't need a sled....just a slick pair of snowpants. Poor Julianne, though. She discovered a bit too late that a different hill she was sledding on had a jump at the bottom. She hit it exactly right, was airborn for a second, but then landed hard on her back with the wind knocked out of her. She's a bit sore this evening. Overall, though, it was a great experience and I think we'll head back sometime soon.
How Fun! I love sledding..looks like you guys had a blast.
Did you have hot chocolate afterwards? I loved sledding and then coming home to hot chocolate. I'm glad you all had a blast and no tailbones were broken!
We got 3 sleds for Christmas. But no need to go anywhere, we have a nice sledding hill in the front yard. I haven't been out with them yet, but when all the cousins were here, they broke out all the sleds and had a great time. And yes, hot chocolate was involved!
How Fun! I love sledding..looks like you guys had a blast.
Did you have hot chocolate afterwards? I loved sledding and then coming home to hot chocolate. I'm glad you all had a blast and no tailbones were broken!
We got 3 sleds for Christmas. But no need to go anywhere, we have a nice sledding hill in the front yard. I haven't been out with them yet, but when all the cousins were here, they broke out all the sleds and had a great time. And yes, hot chocolate was involved!
Yep, we all came to our house for hot chocolate afterwards. Good stuff.
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