It took me bits and pieces of four days to get all the Christmas decor up. But, oh! How I loved doing it! Bryan, I think, found it amusing that I was clearly having so much fun setting up trees, hanging garlands and setting up nativity scenes throughout the house.

We don't put lights up on our house. Bryan hates doing it and it's rather expensive to hire it out so I've been looking for other ways to make out house look festive. Last year I decided to put wreaths up in the windows of our house and loved SO much how it looked that I decided it would be a yearly thing. All together, between the windows, lamp post and coach lamps there are nine wreaths out there.

Here's the kids putting ornaments on the upstairs formal tree. Berries, poinsettias and balls.

It took me three years to get the mantle to look just right. Okay, yes, it's probably a girl thing...but I spent so much time experimenting with different decor up there I was practically giddy when I got it right this year. I even met Bryan at the back door after work one day to insist he come right in and look. "Um, yeah looks really good, I guess...." was his reply. He may have thought I was a little bit strange.

Ahh, my Willow Tree nativity. And yes, I know that just about everybody has a nativity like this. But I LOVE it. It's the last thing I take down every year because I find it rather sad to tuck the pieces back in their boxes. And don't my poinsettias looks pretty under the table?

I always hoped to one day have two more formal and one with all the fun ornaments the kids and I have made over the years. This house made it possible....this tree is in our downstairs family room. See that Santa ornament? It's made out of a light bulb. Isn't that cool? I made it at my Aunt Jana and Uncle Craig's annual Christmas party way back when I was probably 10 years old. Ahh, memories.

That crocheted stocking is mine from when I was a kid. My mom made one just like it for all of us siblings. When I got married and started my family I decided that I, too, wanted to make stockings for all my children. I started crosstitching Rebekah's (the one on the right end) when she was probably about 2 years old. Wow. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into! After about 2 or 3 years I handed it 2/3rds of the way done to my friend Lori who finished it up for me while I started on Julianne's. And that half done stocking still sits to this day in a sack up on a high shelf in my closet. not happening. This year I decided that maybe it didn't matter if all the stockings matched and took the remaining stocking-less kids shopping to let them each pick out a personal stocking. Brandon's is the one on the left end, then Lilian's snowman stocking, and then Julianne's. And I'm finally feeling like I can let go of that self-induced pressure and guilt about my unfinished stocking goal.

My mom started the tradition of always keeping a Christmas puzzle out and available to work on during the season.

And here's the pine candle that makes our house smell like we have a real tree...even though we don't. I love that smell.
So pretty and I love your formal tree, someday when we stop moving maybe I will make that dream of mine come true. To many changes of houses to have a formal deco just yet.
I just got a Willow tree set, and it is my favorite thing! The tree's and house look great. And where is Bryan's Christmas sock?
OH your house looks lovely and pretty, I LOVE the mantle decor and your Willow tree nativity..and the love the candle scent you have in your kitchen. I thought Julianne's stocking was looked just like your personality. hehe! ;)
Bryan's mom made stockings for all her kids too but she can't find them now. Bummer.
Oh Sarah, it's beautiful!!! I'm like you slowly adding things to my holiday decor. Hopefully, one day I will love the way it looks. Slowly in progress but I'm happy with what I have. I need to come see it.
Your decorations look great! I am always impressed with the way you decorate. I wish I had more of your decorating taste/know how.
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