Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dear Mom,

The pictures and information in this post I figured would most interest you, hence the title. I want to again thank you for sharing your love of this picture with me. As you know, I immediately went out and bought the book. Obviously I'm going to have to buy it again now that I've cut this picture out and had it framed! But, like you, I loved the picture enough that I wanted to be able to see it every day. Do you like how it turned out?

And the bookshelf. It was because of you that I decided I wanted a bookshelf in my bedroom like you had in yours. And so I bought that skinny one that fit so perfectly in the bedroom of my old house. But seeing as my bedroom is much bigger in our new home, that little bookshelf looked kind of lost on the wall. And so for the past 2 years I have been looking....on-line, in catalogs, at various stores...for a bigger bookshelf. Basically I was looking to buy a twin of yours. I found this one at Costco a couple of weeks ago and, much to Bryan's dismay, insisted on buying it immediately. Julianne was thrilled to inherit our skinny bookshelf which matches her bedroom furniture so perfectly. And don't you think the new one looks nice? Bryan has commented that it seems silly to have such a big bookshelf...that we can't even begin to fill it. Don't worry, I told him. We're still young with plenty of book buying still to come.

I found this quote at the elementary school library. They have vinyl quotes placed all around the room up near the ceiling...kind of like crown molding. It made me smile as I thought of your house. And how I am turning more into you every day with bookshelves in each of the kids rooms and throughout my own house.

"A room without books is like a body without a soul." Cicero

I love you, Mommy


Mary said...

Oh your picture turned out great. Mom gave that picture to Josh for his baptism and I love it. Maybe I'll have to buy the book to have my own to hang on the wall.

MamaBug said...

Beautiful post! What a wonderful tribute to your mom.

Mindy said...

I love the new picture, it looks great.

DD said...

Sarah, I love the picture and your framing is beautiful. I'm envious. I wonder if I could get Daddy to make a frame like that? Hmmm. If he could, I think I'd cut my picture out of my book too. And I love your bookcase. Well, of course , . . I have one too. I'm resistant to any moving ideas from Daddy because I'd have to leave all my wonderful bookcases that Daddy has made. Your new on does fit in your room and doesn't look over-large at all! I wish you had taken a picture of the one now in Julianne's room too. Thanks for the nice blog. It made my heart smile.