Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cue the "Chariots of Fire" Music...

They had a photographer at the triathlon taking official pictures of all the goings on. They got this shot of me coming into the finish line. I've had a lot of people ask me how the tri went. What it was like. And somewhat jokingly I've been telling them that it's kind of like labor. There's months of prep leading up to it. It's hard and it hurts. But at the end you feel amazing...the rewards and the feelings of accomplishment. And, most like labor, you forget about the bad stuff as time goes by and are anxious to do it again!

Before and after there were so many people offering words of support. It was an amazing feeling to find that so many friends and relatives were interested in this crazy thing that I'd decided to do. It actually helped a lot, believe it or not. The comment that pops into my head every time I see this picture is from my friend Brenda. She and I were both first-timers in this triathlon. After it was all over she posted a message on my facebook profile:
"YOU DID IT....YOU DID IT....YOU DID IT! Sing it, chant it, do the victory dance to it...whatever you want cause you are a friend!"

Thank you all, for the "good lucks", "way to gos", "good jobs" and "you can do its" over the past few months. I deeply appreciate it.


Katie said...

I still am amazed that you did it. What a great feat to have accomplished! I'm just lucky to get on my treadmill every morning. You are a great example to me! Love you!

Croft Family said...

Sarah, Funny you relate that to labor because throught the 12 weeks of my birthing class the teacher kept relating labor to running a marathon or swimming. I stil think that it's so amazing that you did that and hope that I can do it next year with you.

Mindy said...

I'd be better with the whole labor thing. HEHE. But i'm very glad you did it and had such a great time doing it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Now you can say you accomplished a tender mercie in your life...I look up to you so much..your an amazing woman! :)