Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Do you want to run a relay race?"

The Ragnar "Wasatch Back" running relay is this Friday and Saturday. I've been spending all sorts of time making playlists on my ipod, buying food that is high energy and good for refueling after a run, watching the forecast and trying to decide what to wear, etc. The closer it gets, the more excited I am. Bryan has been watching all of this preparation and can't seem to wrap his brain around WHY in the world I would want to subject my body to such deprivations. And to each of his questions and statements, all I can say is..."It's FUN!" So when my sister, Melissa, sent me this video I laughed and laughed...because it pretty much IS the conversation Bryan and I have been having. (Well, you know...other than the part where he wants to run me and my relay team over with a van...) :)


Lori said...

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

He he he.

Ha ha ha ha hahahe.

Gotta agree with Bryan on that one!

Melissa@thebblog said...

And you hopefully didn't flip him off when he said that it didn't sound like fun!

Best youtube video ever!

mistress of chaos said...

sooooooooo true. sooooooo funny. I soooooo want to be on your team (unless of course you are an ultra team in which case you really are crazy.)

This week has been pretty good. 5 miles Monday, 2 miles Tuesday and 4 miles yesterday and 4 miles this morning. average time is 9 minute miles on the long runs and just under 8 on the short ones. My goal is to get to just under 8 on the long ones and break under 7 on the short ones. Maybe then I can try a race again:)

(and if I would stop eating like a pig I would actually lose weight in the process)