Painting and decorating the master bathroom has been on my mind for months. Swirling around in the back of my mind were potential ideas for colors and wall decor and I'd been keeping my eyes open every time I was at any kind of craft store with that in mind. Finally, yesterday I woke up with a hankering to tackle a big project and decided that the bathroom was finally going to see its day.


I got half way through blue taping and started second guessing myself. I was perched with one foot on the counter, one foot on the windowsill...straddling the bathtub trying to reach the ceiling without falling on my derriere. It's not like I could put a ladder in the bathtub! Julianne came home from school in time to take a picture of my precarious position but I chose not to share it with you. Let's just say it was less than attractive.
In order to keep Lilian feeling like she was being "helpful" I gave her strip after strip of blue tape for her own "beautiful project," as she called it.

I needed Julianne's help in order to take down the light fixture and paint behind it. It was heavy and awkward but we made quite a team and got the job done without electrocuting ourselves.

I bought four of these canvas squares planning to hang them all above the tub. But it looked a little crowded to me so two of them ended up hanging over the toilet.

Also, a new garbage can to replace the white, sturdy but ugly, rubbermaid one.

Our shower is one of those Roman showers that steps in and around making a curtain or door not necessarily necessary. But it makes for a rather cold showering experience...especially in, say, January. We temporarily hung a cheapy shower liner up there...where it then stayed for the next 2.5 years. A new shower curtain has been on my to-do list for a long time...

Do you have a clock in your bathroom? Maybe I'm weird that I insist on having one but let me tell you, it is essential to me getting out of the house on time. I used to have an old $5 plastic beauty hanging up there. This one is much nicer, don't you think?